

A lot of people on the skin is a benign soft, flesh-colored bumps. In most cases, they have the "foot". In daily life, these skin education dubbed the warts. But in dermatology, request for information, they are " called papillomas.

These institute can occur anywhere on the body. However, the most common are the underarms, neck and inguinal area is a zone. If they are not paying attention, they are able to grow in size, injury from contact with clothing and bleeding.

Why the skin of the polyps, it is always necessary to consult with a doctor and how to get rid of them forever, we consider in our article.

Because of this that appear human papillomavirus (hpv)

The main culprit of this condition is HPV or human papillomavirus. It is in the body, almost every person. But all the world does not arise of symptoms in the form of outgrowths. This is due to the fact that when the good health of the virus safely is inhibited by immune cells. And at the end of 2-3 years, in most cases, it disappears from the body.

What is this virus? HPV is shell-less of the virus, which is embedded in the DNA of the cells of the skin and mucous membranes. It is located at the surface, leaving it in the deep layers of the dermis.

For months, or even years, it is in a state of sleep. When the reduction of the immunity, for a variety of reasons, the virus becomes active and begins to expand. Thus appear to the human papillomavirus (hpv).

The factors that have a negative impact on the immune system, are:

  • The constant stress.
  • The very poor or the food monotonous.
  • The lack of vitamins.
  • The chronic fatigue.
  • The mode of life passive.
  • Bad habits.
  • The institute malignant.
  • Deferred serious infectious diseases.
  • The uncontrolled use of antibiotics.

In the risk group are the elderly, with the changes of the body worse resists viruses. Often the skin lesions occur in children. Line the immunity of the child is not able to cope with a virus. And he, after 2-3 months after infection, enters an active phase.

It is important! If a person is infected by HPV and then clear it, his body completely is impossible. Or is samoizlečenie, or it falls into "hibernation" for enhancing immunity.

The risk factors for women

In the period of pregnancy in women is the natural product of the depression of the immune system. This is necessary to ensure that the organization is not perceived by the embryo as an alien species of the subject, and has given him the opportunity to fix in the womb. If a woman in the body is present the human papilloma virus, it always will take advantage of this time. Therefore, in pregnant women aspect papillom — problem.

The risk factors for men

The causes of the skin training sessions for men it is alcohol abuse, and frequent partners, smoking. Bad habits have a negative impact on the state of immunity, general and permanent inhalation of tobacco smoke depresses local protection of the oral cavity and respiratory tract. It is able to cause such a serious illness, such as papillomatosis of the larynx.

On average, latent (hidden) continuous period of 3 months to a year. If only for the health of an infected person simply remains a carrier, without external manifestations. But the danger lies in the fact that it is able to infect another person.

Methods of infection HPV

The pathogen is a little bit of time it can survive outside of the human body. The infection occurs most often through the transmission of the virus by contact-devices of way. It may be a handshake, touching, as well as sharing objects, toys. Frequent infection in places of leisure. This is the bathroom, the pool, the water parks.

But for the penetration into the dermal layer of the skin needs a condition — skin lesions. For the infection will be enough to crack or small abrasion.

In a new-born infection that occurs on the right path, it is to be a surrogate mother in the process of childbirth or lactation.

The gables of human papillomavirus or genital warts, are transmitted only by having unprotected sex. Also can be samsarajade, it is the migration of the virus with a portion of the body of the other. This occurs when combing or damage outgrowth, for example, during the shave.

The main types and the types of papillom

The strains of HPV there are many. The medicine until only 200 kinds of viruses. Some of them only affect the areas of the body, other genital mucous membranes, while others occur in the oral cavity and larynx.

Among the known species, there are types that have a high oncogenic risk. For example, the most dangerous for women are 16, 18 and 31 types. They are often identified during the erosion of the neck of the uterus, and becomes the cause of its rebirth in a cancerous tumor. The presence in the body vysokokonkurentnyj types of virus does not mean that the man will come out necessarily oncology. But this requires more attention to the health and to the supervision of a specialist.

Depending on the size and shape of distinguish the following types papillom:

  1. Vulgar — that is, by a plain, are the most common growths. Often appear between the toes, the soles of the feet, the chin. Plantar warts have several serr solid view of the market and the pressure. Often painful, but not oncogenic.
  2. Filiform or acrochordus — typical for elderly people. Externally dense yellowish in color. Tend to increase with time. Always have one leg. Locate the armpits, in the neck region, the skin and the folds of the groin. Are not capable of malignancy.
  3. Flat — small many skin problems of education of the platform. Above the skin rise up slightly. Have body, or a light brown. Located on the face, in the upper part of the thorax, in the area of the anus. Low risk of malignancy.
  4. Genital warts or condylomata appear only on the genitals. The path of infection is mainly sexual. Capable to degenerate into a malignant tumor.

Some forms of HPV cause a dangerous disease papillomatosis of the larynx. White of the plate and the growths impede normal breathing, hitting the vocal cords. This condition may lead to asphyxiation. Often, the diagnosis is commonly diagnosed in children. If difficulty during the virus goes down and affects the bronchi, the lungs and the trachea.

The danger of skin growths

Most do not represent a threat to life and health. They are only the cosmetic defect and cause psychological discomfort.

But, if papilloma is caused by a virus with a high level of oncogenetic, when circumstances are unfavourable, it can lead to oncology diagnosis. The malignancy of the education leads to a poisoning, as well as metastasis.

The factors that are able to cause malignant tumour of the education:

  • the sunburn and the effects of ultraviolet light;
  • infections with human papillomavirus (hpv) as a result of his injury;
  • the chronic inflammation in the body and the amount of the decrease of immunity.

Also growths often multiply, their number increases. They tend to blend in with the group, the result is a great shock to the place. The friction of clothing is capable of causing injury and bleeding outgrowth.

When you need to consult a doctor

Necessarily, you need to consult a dermatologist for a visit, if you notice any of the following changes:

  1. After the injury, the wound does not heal. Observed fluid, the pain occurs when you touch.
  2. The color of the education is become more dark.
  3. A papilloma is become grow in size.
  4. Piorrea.
  5. The unpleasant smell.
  6. The throbbing pain even at rest.
  7. The loss of hair in the accumulation zone.

While the sebum of education is subject to inspection and monitoring at the genetic predisposition to cancer. If the human papillomavirus (hpv) bring in the daily life of discomfort and manner, they are subject to the loignement.

The diagnosis and treatment papillom

The diagnosis and treatment papillom

According to the place of location, you should ask a dermatologist, gynecologist, or a urologist. To assess the outgrowth takes place necessarily in the following searches:

  • Dermatoscopy — a detailed study of the papilloma by a magnifying device.
  • The analysis of blood on the detection of antibodies against the HPV.
  • PCR-diagnosis.
  • The taking of a biomaterial to histology in cases of suspected malignancy of the education).

If vaginal training doctor takes strokes of the urethra or cervix of the uterus. Conducted lease analysis on the presence of STIS. The diagnosis in the presence of genital warts is done by the two partners.

When multiple rashes possible to conduct an analysis on the verification of the immune status.

The therapy of the disease aims at removal of virus and improve immunity. To do this, make sure that prior to the removal of all growths, as sources of virus. Then performed a treatment with antiviral drugs and receiving immunomodulators.

Removal methods of training

Depending on the size and location doctor can suggest the operational methods of removal.

Removal methods of training
  • Cryosurgery, or the impact of the liquid nitrogen.
    The disadvantage of this method is that the expert can accurately control the depth of the impact. Because of this can cause burns or incomplete education.
  • Removal laser
    It is a modern method, which allows, in a single session to get rid of several formations. Does not leave any scars or scarring. Does not lead to bleeding, so how does the process of sealing the blood vessels. Has a number of contraindications.
  • Electrocoagulation.
    This method implies an impact on the outgrowth with the aid of the electrode. Effective speakers papillomas that have the foot. Applies in the intimate area. The advantage: the outgrowth you can send to another research laboratory.
  • Radiovolnovoy a way or a method radiologa.
    A specialist can customize the length and strength of the radio waves, given the depth of the outgrowth. Is done with the help of the device "Sourgitron". Healthy cells are not damaged, occurs the points of impact on a growth of a thin electrode. The rehabilitation is not necessary.

In rare cases, surgical excision of the education. It is used for large entities, or in the presence of signs of malignancy. This is the most radical, but effective. Need of reconstruction. It often remains a small scar. The risk of recidivism is minimal, since the ben the ado removes completely the outgrowth, affecting a healthy area. The operation under local anesthesia.

Isolated by an ordinary papilloma you can display it using chemical formulae. In the composition contain lye or acid. But when this method is great risk of burning. In addition, if incomplete removal of built-up edges are often the result of new education. Independent of the excretion of training can lead to serious negative consequences.

Prevention measures

To fully protect themselves from infection by the HPV is only possible thanks to the vaccination. But it is advisable to perform only before the beginning of the sexual life. It protects against the most dangerous types of viruses, which are capable of causing cancer.

In order to reduce the risk of papillom, you must adhere to the basic rules.

  • In the common areas of recreation do not walk barefoot. Use only your shoes.
  • In the public toilets to use overlays.
  • The use of a condom during the oral and vaginal in the form of a sex. But this will give a little more than 50% protection, as well as the infection of the mere flesh close contact.
  • Aspire to a monogamous relationship.
  • Minimize close contact with an infected person who has symptoms of the disease.

Particular attention should be paid to the health, if you are planning a pregnancy. For this pre-pass a test for detection of HPV.

In order to avoid the recurrence of the pathology after the removal, you must scrupulously respect the recommendations of your doctor. Care should be taken of the immunity, while supporting its optimal level. To do this, you must correctly and fully to eat, to do sports and to give up bad habits.

The simple presence of HPV in the body — it is not a reason to pull the alarm and start strengthened by the treatment. But during the detection of skin growths is best to consult a doctor.